Posts Tagged ‘ travel ’

Reverb 10 – Day 22

December 22

Prompt: Travel. How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?

In 2010, I didn’t do nearly as much traveling as I wanted to…mainly because my money wasn’t where I wanted it to be, so I couldn’t really go anywhere. I did, however, take a couple of trips earlier in the year to Hershey Park and Ocean City in May, and New Jersey in June. Hershey Park was a BALL, I swear I want to go back, not only to experience the rest of the park that we missed over the course of the 2 days we were there, but also to go back to the hotel we stayed at. That hotel was amazing, even though I had a headache that knocked me out almost the entire night we were there…I have to go back, even if it’s just to get away for a couple of days. Ocean City was one of those spur of the moment trips that I love because they heighten my spontaneity quotient for a particular amount of time. We made the decision to go that afternoon, didn’t leave until that evening, got there that night, and some of us left the next morning. I did get to spend some time with one of my close friends on the beach having a talk about life, what we wanted to do with ours, love (sigh), and a myriad of other topics. It’s always struck me as strange that the beach makes me get really introspective, but…it’s one of the few places on Earth I feel most comfortable. New Jersey was a trip for one of my friends’ birthdays, and I got the chance to drive my mom’s new car up the turnpike (hehe). I ended up having fun on the beach, and the cabin we stayed in is definitely somewhere I’m going back to in 2011…it’s a nice little spot sort of out the way, but I know I’d have fun going back there again. Other than that, I really didn’t do much traveling until after I became employed. I remember heading down to Virginia with my second set of parents to celebrate my best friend’s 23rd birthday, and I got to set off fireworks for the very first time, which was a whole lot of fun. The only airplane travel I did was to go to Miami, and we all know I had a ball down there. To end out my traveling year, I took a trip down to the 757 to see one of my good friends with 3 other friends, which was a really good trip. Spent way too much money, but it was a good trip. I got to have Cheddar’s (drool) and spend some quality time with folks I care about, so that always makes for a good trip. Next year, I’d really like to do a lot more traveling via the skies, and hit up a lot more cities. I already have plans in the works to hit up Chicago and Toronto (except I’m not paying $500 to fly into Toronto, NO MAAM!), and I want to get on the bus one day and head to New York City, even if it’s just for the day. In 2011, I also plan to make it to Dallas, but I know that won’t be until the end of the year (provided the NFL doesn’t do a lockout)…maybe I’ll actually travel via Amtrak this year, since I’ve never done that either. Any way the year pans out, I hope to see a lot more of the country than I ever have before…and if I plan my money out correctly, I’ll be able to do just that! 🙂